Is Your Workwear Fit For Purpose Or The Person Wearing It?

14th September 2022
Paul Brooks

Many companies give their staff branded workwear and it can be for many different reasons.

In construction, high visibility branded workwear keeps people visible and tells others which company they are from. It shows that they are supposed to be there and can be seen easily if they need to be found.

At an event, branded workwear shows visitors and guests who works there if you need help or want to know something.
In restaurants and bars, staff will wear branded workwear so everyone knows who to ask for a drink or menu; it also promotes the brand.

The workwear you choose needs to do the job you need it to, and be suitable for the person who needs it.
Women no longer have to choose the small men’s size or wear oversized garments because nothing else is available.

Jason Sutton is from Evolution Branded Workwear based in Margate. He’s worked in print for more than 30 years and his clients include many of the West End shows, large events organisers, plus larger companies around the UK who need workwear for their staff.

He says: “Many people wear workwear now, and it’s evolved, to give people lots of options.
“We have everything here, but also now supply good quality maternity workwear. With so many more women in job roles that require workwear, we make sure there is a good choice of tailored clothing for women, including maternity wear. In many roles, women still need workwear to do their job, whether that’s right up to maternity leave or sooner because of safety etc.
“It’s important that if workwear is needed, it is available.”

Jason’s tips for choosing the right workwear:

Buy the most expensive you can afford – a higher initial outlay on a good pair of work trousers might mean you don’t spend more replacing them several times at a cost higher than the better pair in the first place.

Is the workwear fit for the job? Bar staff will be washing their workwear a lot – higher quality material will mean the shirts last longer and look nicer for longer. Tatty workwear gives the wrong message to your customers. Farm workers, groundswork operatives and vehicle recovery drivers all need good quality workwear to be out in all weathers.
You want your branding to stay on the workwear, so make sure you choose the best process; vinyl print, transfer, screen print or embroidery.

If the workwear needs to protect from the weather, make sure it does. Is it thick enough, warm enough and good enough quality to withstand the weather it needs to?

Different brands and styles fit better, so shop around and make sure it’s comfortable and suitable for the people who are wearing it.

Workwear made from recycled materials is so much better than when it was first made – you wouldn’t tell the difference and can support your company’s environmental commitment. However, it can be around 20-30% more expensive.

Evolution Branded Workwear
01843 44 64 59

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