Quarterly Economic Survey – Latest Findings Q4 2018

In: Economy
4th January 2019
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Kent Invicta is one of six Chambers in the South East that are accredited by British Chambers of Commerce. It regularly contributes more than 35% of the South East’s responses to the Quarterly Economic Survey, the largest UK survey of its kind, which is administered on behalf of the BCC by every accredited Chamber. The actual questionnaire, honed over many years to gather a wealth of information, takes only about 3 minutes for a business Proprietor/ MD/ CEO to complete.

The latest findings allow detailed comparison to reveal trends over time in five groups:

1. Recent Sales and Current Orders
2. Cash-flow and Prospects
3. Investment in Staff & Kit
4. Hiring Needs
5. Current Pressures

Most questions in the Survey ask if things are better, constant, or worse. Accordingly, the top section of each bar shows the % of respondents whose results improved (or increased); the middle section shows the % with constant results; and the bottom shows the % for whom results worsened.

To give a visual ‘steer’ on the buoyancy (or otherwise) of the economy, the % for whom results have worsened is shown as a negative figure. This makes it easy to spot (a) the volatility trend for struggling businesses, (b) the steadiness (or otherwise) of the percentage reporting constant results and (c) the trend for more (or fewer) reporting improvement.

To read the findings in full click here.

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